Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My mother has applied for guardianship of MY grandchildren. How do I stop it?

My mother has petitioned the courts for permanent guardianship of my grandchildren. Their father was murdered in Dec. 09, this was the second man in my daughters life to be murdered. She kind of lost her mind, the only way I can put it. We live in NV and she took off to CA leaving the kids with me and my youngest daughter. Now I received a letter today saying there is a court date set for guardianship to be given to my mother and youngest daughter. I believe that my youngest should be granted %26quot;temporary%26quot; guardianship because she is the one who is actually taking care of them. And doing a great job for only being 22 yrs old. Only temporary, in case their mom comes back for them. I also believe that mom and kids should attend grief counseling, both as a family and individually, before she is ever allowed to have them back.

I don't want my mother to have any kind of legal custody of the kids and here are my reasons:

1. In 1993 I allowed my daughters to visit with her for a couple of weeks. Sent a note giving her permission to seek medical attention for them in case of an emergency. She used that note and filed for guardianship of MY kids. She was granted temporary guardianship. In the court order it said that if the kids wanted to come home they should be allowed to. She ignored them or guilted them into staying with her. You know the could you leave me after everything I have done for you. Needless to say they didn't come until they turned 18.

2. She has sooo much anger in her that she did not speak to my grandfather for 9 years, until Social Services decided that his Alzheimers was getting worse and couldn't live alone anymore. Of course she would be paid to care for him. She automatically put him in a home, where he stayed until he passed away. She has not spoken to me since 1993 and I have no clue why. Believe me, I have tried to ask her and get no answer.

3. About 3 weeks ago my granddaughter, who is 6 yrs old, told me that her other grandma said that if she had %26quot;her rights%26quot; (Ser'Rae's words not mine) that she wouldn't be able to come visit me anymore. What does a 6 yr old know about rights or the meaning of the word?

4. As I mentioned before, the kids father is deceased and when he died my daughter didn't handle it very well and left the kids with my youngest daughter and I. Specifically saying that she doesn't want my mother to have anything legal to do with the kids. Mainly because she remembers what it was like when she was young. She had told my kids that I left and wanted nothing to do with them. We all feel that this is history repeating itself. My girls have abandonment issues now and we don't want the grandkids to have to deal with something of this nature. Especially since their dad is already gone.

5. It's all about the kids and their well being, mentally and emotionally. At the end of the day the ones who will be hurting from all this are them. My mother will say and do whatever it takes to win, get her way and have total control over everything and everybody.

6. She is so committed to getting her way that she has come up with soooo many different stories about me, all of them not good, that most of my family won't talk to me. One cousin went so far as to tell me that she's afraid that my mother would find out if she talked to me and she really didn't want to piss her off. I asked afraid of what? Her response was that my mother was so adamant that no one have anything to do with me and the anger along with hatred in her voice when she spoke, that it scared her.

6. All children should have a happy childhood. Let the kids be kids. They don't need to have any negativity in their lives and shouldn't have to deal with adult b*** sh** at such a young age. (They are 8, 6, and 3). They will have enough of that when they grow up.

So will someone please advise me on how to stop this court preceding? One more piece of info. Mother has a lawyer and I can't afford one. So I will have to do this on my own. Both bad and good advice will be appreciated. HELP ME!!My mother has applied for guardianship of MY grandchildren. How do I stop it?
A lawyer would be the best way to fight her off. See if you can find a legal aid lawyer or a lawyer that does pro bono work. Meaning they don't get paid or charge a discounted fee. Your mother has to be up there in age. I would think that 8, 6 and 3 year old children would be too much for her to handle. I would make sure you find out when the court dates are and go. You can find the court docket online at the county's web site. Go to court with your daughter and petition the court for joint guardianship with your 22 year old daughter. Sometimes lawyers will give you a free consultation, I would meet with a lawyer and ask your legal rights. The lawyer doesn't have to know you can't afford to hire them. You could also call friend of the court or child protective services or social services and ask them questions about what you may do to block her. You could also try to get your daughter to come back from CA and have her sign custody over to you and your 22 year old daughter. I hope something I said can help you some how. Good luck to youMy mother has applied for guardianship of MY grandchildren. How do I stop it?
Wouldn't a great grandmother be considered too old to be looking after a 3 year old?My mother has applied for guardianship of MY grandchildren. How do I stop it?
%26quot;I received a letter today saying there is a court date set for guardianship to be given to my mother and youngest daughter.%26quot; -

your mom can't file papers asking the court for your youngest daughter to get any type of guardianship/custody - your daughter has to do that herself...looks like she did - along with your mother.

in addition, if *you* aren't going to be filing for guardianship or custody, you'll have no legal say in the matter.My mother has applied for guardianship of MY grandchildren. How do I stop it?
Show up for the court date and contest it. An investigation will be launchedMy mother has applied for guardianship of MY grandchildren. How do I stop it?
If you haven't already applied for permanent custody, then do so now, you can easily hand the custody of the children back to their mother when you see fit. How old is this old hag? In Australia grand parents/great grand parents aren't allowed to have legal custody of children if they are at risk of keeling over - maybe you have similar laws.

If it is taken to court, argue your case, tell them everything and anything that is damning about her. And if she has not met them, then they probably won't grant her custody. Bring up real all fictional traumatic childhood experiences, tell them what she did to you and your kids, that she separated you.