What setting on my a200 sony camera does it have to be to take good sports action photos? Specifically one of bball players during a basketball game? I have tried sport section and it stink. They all come out blurry. A setting makes it better along with the S because shutter speed is fast but there still is a fuzziness and blurry. How can I get a clear sharp picture?What setting on my a200 sony camera does it have to be?
Here is your problem, even with the anti-shake on, your indoors at a game and very far away. There isn't enough light to acomplish what the sports mode is trying to do. So it opens up the shutter for longer periods of time and you can't hand hold it that long.
So, what you do, depends on what you want the picture to be. If you want to freeze action, see the players captured in one moment of time, I would use a very fast shutter speed. Minimum 1/125, better 1/250 in shutter priority mode (S mode). The camera is going to give you the widest apature you have for the lens and its going to say its still not a good setting. Don't worry to much. Should be fine.
I would also do one of two things to experiment. 1, bracket the exposure, so you get one shot at the exposure, one above and one below, and see the difference. 2, use continuous mode, that way you get the players in different possitions as the shot happens.
I would also use a tripod if avalable (but remember to turn off anti shake then) and shoot with a remote.
Also, get as close to the action as possible, and use the fastest lens you have.What setting on my a200 sony camera does it have to be?
Getting clear sharp photos of action requires that you use a fast shutter speed. At the very minimum you need a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second. The faster the better. To get this shutter speed you will need to make adjustments to your aperture and ISO. What settings you need will depend entirely on the available light, and the largest aperture of your lens. Indoors for a basketball game I would set your camera in Aperture Priority mode. I think it says AP on Nikon cameras. Then turn the wheel and set your aperture to the largest F stop (smallest number). Then see what you get for a shutter speed. If below 1/250th raise your ISO until you get there. You will more than likely need a ISO of about 800.
I would also use the fastest lens you have that will cover the required focal lengths. Most pros would use a 70-200mm F2.8 lens. This lens is expensive though ($1,700). The larger aperture will allow you to use a lower ISO. Higher ISO's create more noise so the lowest ISO setting you can get away with is what you should use. Last week I took some shots at my sons basketball game. I used a Canon 30D with a Canon 70-200mm F2.8L IS lens set to F2.8 and ISO of 800. The shutter speed varied a little because of uneven lighting in the gym but these settings kept it high enough to freeze action.
If you are shooting an outdoor event you can use aperture priority again with your widest aperture. Your ISO can be set lower though because it will be much brighter.