We have raccoon problems! Because we live right in front of a house they came from there and they made holes in our roof and dwell up in the attic, Or some other places. Yeah we'll we tried to call animal control but they said they won't take it away until you catch it yourself in n a cage those bastards.
So we called someone who does this he catches raccoons and stuff, BUT hes a lazy fat *** and all he doesn't do his job right he keeps making us call him over and over and pay him hes like LEECHING OFF US. And were tired of him. We have to get rid of these raccoons there bringing flees into our house and our poor dog is suffering. SO We have to get rid of it ourselves, In a harmlessness way.
Since where we live if you kill one you can get into big trouble. I'm ot sure how to get rid of them, We tried a trap already but the trap was on the roof unchained because that stupid guy put no chain so when the raccoon whet in it moved alot, the trap fell and it escaped.AND CAUSE RACCOONS ARE SMART. She doesn't go back in. AND THE WORST PART IS. Shes probably going to have kids soon!!! We have traps set up for more then a week now she falls for none!
We have to get rid of her some other way!!! BUT HOW? I Thought maybe to leave out food without a trap and put some type of sleeping pills in it and camp out and see if it knocks out then put it into the cage--But I Don't think that will work.
.ANY SUGGESTIONS? Please?How to get rid of Raccoons yourself?
It sounds like the raccoons are smarter than the person you hired to get rid of them. You said you've tried traps, but I would still try it again just in case you have more than one raccoon. This time you might want to cover the cage in brush or just use a blanket. I'm surprised you said it was illegal to kill raccoons. You mentioned that they were living in your attic, so you really need to seal the holes before you do anything else. If they're always up there during the day, you could try to go by a home improvement store or a place that sells farming supplies. There are this trap passage ways that are designed so that the animal can exit through them, but they can't return back inside. I know they make them for squirrels, but they may come in larger sizes as well. Of course, there's always animal repellent, but you could also try putting hot sauce in a spray bottle.How to get rid of Raccoons yourself?
My suggestion is to buy a dog. They can smell the dog, and they know its a predator, so they should stay clear.How to get rid of Raccoons yourself?
You can use the following ideas- go for dogs, animal repellents, animal sprays etc.