Any help would be greatly appreciated. Novel %26quot;Thaw%26quot; is in its editing stages, next I will have to write the synopsis. Tips, hints, and general information on how to set out and write a professional synopsis would be greatly appreciated.Need info. on how to write a professional synopsis?
hey Liam why so serious?Need info. on how to write a professional synopsis?
why haven't you replied to me? I only asked why you left the polls section because I was one of the people who stood up to you when these groups of people where posting questions about you about you being fake because you went into this chatroom and yeah. JW. At least you could have decently replied and not thumbed me down for simply asking. I thought I didn't say anything wrong.Need info. on how to write a professional synopsis?
I found a better website than this one before, but I can't seem to find it.