If I asked u to prove that God does exist, how would u set about proving that?
Peace to all.
No vulgarity!Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
Jewish survival proves that G-d exists!Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
look around you...you really think everything %26quot;EVOLVED%26quot; into what it is today?Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
The love of Jesus that is in my heart. And the fact that life would have no point or purpose without God. Really, humans are so small and insignificant. But to God, we are worth it. We were bought with the blood of Jesus. Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
Just as if I asked you if you had brains, prove it. Science has proven that humans have brains, but how about you proving it to me since you haven't seen your own brains. Just the same. God does exist and just because some don't believe so it doesn't mean he doesn't.So also, just because you haven't seen your brains, it doesn't mean you don't have brains but you are certain that you do have brains.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
As an old Army vet, I can tell you that if you do not spray and pray with your AK-47, you aren't going to hit anything. Without God, I guess even that prayer will not work.
Trying to prove God is sort of fruitless. I trust, and believe.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
i just don't see how some dirt and water can eventually form bacteria.. then form trees.. then get creatures .. then ONE type of species is gonna be intelligent and the rest remain the same ..... did you ever look at what happens in birth??? i DO NOT believe it was %26quot;accidental%26quot; when you see how accurate and precise the growth is....our brains are something so complicated, that there is no way it came from nowhere.
my best proof.. lets say you take a watch and take it a part, every bolt and every gear. put it in a box and shake it.. do you think it will ever EVER reconstruct itself back to a watch, or not .... there is your answer.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
The odds of a Big Bang happening, or a random lightning strike creating all 20 of the amino acids needed for life at the same time, is 1 to the 113th power to 1.
Mathematicians have concluded that anything having a probability of less than 1 to the 50th power to one, can be safely assumed to never have happened.
So, who's wrong, scientists or mathematicians?
Mathematics are rarely, if ever wrong. Scientists, on the other hand, can't even decide if it's safe to eat eggs or not. I'll take my chances with the intelligent design story. It requires less faith.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
it's very easy for them to prove God exists. They think he exists, therefore he does!Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
to the guy above... seriously? gravity? you know gravity is there because you're still on earth. and earth is in an orbit around the sun. that's like asking how you know wind is there. you can't see it. but you can see the leaves blowing all over the place just like you can see gravity bring a leaf to the ground.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
most non believers wouldnt accept the truth if it were proved to them as from what i have seen.
they all will just say thats not proof enough.
but the only proof i can give you is...when you die in get to be in front of GOD and HE says you never wanted to beleive and so to the lake of fire you will go.
torment for eternity.
im sure that will be proof enough but as you're still laive you still have a chance to be saved and stop mocking GOD.
i will say a prayer for the aHOLY SPIRIT to come to you and change you.
John 3:16
Peace !!Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
Lamaworld and Joe have a very good point. God bless you both. God is alive always have been and always will be. God is eternal. it is hard for humans puny little minds to grasp God. Jesus was the visable representation of the invisable God who is my Daddy. Jesus said %26quot;If you have seen me you have seen the Father%26quot; You need to ask Jesus in your heart and repent of any sins in the past and currently. Jesus will forgive you and wash you clean with his precious blood he shed for you on that horrible cross. But you must ask Jesus to come in your heart he will not force his way in you have to invite him. Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
God is an eternal spirit. You can't see him with your physical eyes.
God is greater than the physical proof that most people seek.
There is a greater truth than that which can be measured physically.
God proves God no man can uncover God.
No man can KNOW God for you.
Man does not prove God but there is a way to know him.
Those who love and seek the truth receive a gift from God called faith.
It is through faith we receive revelation from God.
It is through revelation we begin a personal relationship with God.
God's truth is nto revealed through sinful flesh and blood but through the spirit and through the Holy Spirit.
Demons know that God exist.
Knowing about God proves nothing we should seek to know him.
Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
I don't think one person can prove it to another. One can logically show the need for an Intelligent Designer, and one can provide a lot of anecdotal evidence from their life, however, a skeptical person is free to reject anything that comes their way...and they usually will.
I know skeptics who, because of their predisposition to not believe in God, openly say that if God appeared to them in all His glory, they would still have to say they didn't believe it because they are self-proclaimed atheists. Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
Dumdeedum... Still no proof.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
by having a circumcising partyChristians and Jews: How would u prove this?
Technology has not yet evolved to the point where they can scan their hearts and show where Yeshua (Jesus) has set up a little condo. They think, therefore it is so. I feel in my heart that all gods exist, therefore it is possible. Scientists feel that everything evolved...
....huh. There seems to be flaws in my logic.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
What a great question with some great answers.
I have no intention of proving something one way or another but it would be quite ridiculous to assume that we are put on this planet just to do the mundane things we do. It is clear that we have been given a badass gift by some higher being than ourselves.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
With proof there would be no faith.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
Creation, the world around you, is a very good example of the proof or case for a Creator.
Science works in favor of the intelligent design/creation argument.
The only logical reputable and provable answer to everything you see is a creator. Every other idea exist without plausible proof for anything that isn't simple theory and guesing.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
I wouldn't. I don't care whether you believe in God or not. Your beliefs are your choice, so long as you leave me to mine.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
just ask the unbelievers to do what theoretical physicist do, and that is to come up with an equation that can explain everything,
they still haven't and are no closer than Einstein was 77 years ago.
JOH 8:40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.
JOH 8:41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
JOH 8:42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
JOH 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
JOH 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father
Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
As a Jew, I'm not really interested in proving it. The existence of God is self evident by the design of the universe. Most human beings, however, believe in the Divine because we are hardwired to sense the Divine. If you don't, it is most likely because that area of your brain isn't working right, and it's not your fault, and there isn't likely anything I will be able to say to help you perceive what you cannot perceive.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
I would refer you to the traditional system of Christian askesis, purifying oneself of egotistical passions and becoming humble while seeking God, and instruct you to practice it. This would involve reading the Bible and the writings of the Saints and seeking spiritual guidance on these matters. If you actually follow then methods the Saints describe earnestly, you will come to knowledge of God. If you are serious in such a pursuit, but it bares no fruit, I would say you are perfectly justifiable in assuming the Christian God does not exist. It would be foolish for us to believe in a God that does not actively make Himself manifest in our lives.
I would not attempt philosophical arguments, as they are pointless and prove nothing. They most philosophy can do is come up with a conclusion of %26quot;probably%26quot; rather than %26quot;yes.%26quot;
God reveals Himself to those who seek Him by the means He gave us to seek Him: those of the heart. Follow the path the Saints have described; knowledge of God with follow. Such knowledge is intuitive, which is why faith seems to be baseless when evaluated by the wrong criteria. It is naive to investigate God by science or philosophy, as He transcends logic and reason.
If you are unwilling to take up the method Christ gave to us, there are two realities that must be acknowledged: the first is you are not justified in critiquing it; the second is there is nothing I can prove to you.
I can hold a piece of fruit up and say that the fruit is delicious and is the best thing you could ever taste. If you don't actually taste it for yourself, there is nothing I can really do to prove my claim to you.
+God Bless Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
Religion is a belief, most of the time beliefs have no logic and almost always require no proof that檚 the nice thing about religion I can worship dfongernanger from the planet sodfgnosergn say what a wonderful dude he is tell people he speaks through me make up a bunch of rules make a few magic tricks then you have 10, 20, 30, people then hundreds and thousands of mindless fools obeying my every command without question from sucking the wealth out of everyone to oppressing civil rights just look at that ridiculous scientology stuff it probably started with some loon like one of those cult leaders that most of the time have there followers kill themselves but once in a while it leads to a 淩eligion?I understand the need to give a meaning to our worthless meaningless lives and to set ground rules for behavior but there are better ways then to remain stagnant and ignorant our entire lives doing nothing but interfering and causing conflict with those who don檛 agree. I have never read the bible or the torah and I know murder is wrong that in it self proves that you don榯 need religion for morality and even those who do believe in religion commit murder and even elect those to power who long for war or the execution of criminals also one can make there own meaning to life even if there isn檛 an afterlife our goal should be to make an impact on this world to leave the next generation with something better instead of just an empty area to take up the praying in we should make there lives easer, longer, and more fulfilling while helping them to do the same for the generation after that. Our destiny should be to explore ourselves and this world to protect it and then to move into space explore it and protect it we should continue this until we die as a race or learn all that is learnable instead of preaching ignorance and being hypocritical by supporting hate and war then sitting in a synagogue or church watching the world fall apart waiting for divine intervention that is clearly not coming if the most horrible events in our history being allowed to happen is any indication.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
Life is too short. You will realize it immediately upon your death. Just wait until then. If you are sure that this vast and perfectly designend universe came into existence of its own, there is no other way than waiting until your death.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
God cannot be proved scientifically.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
All the evidence in the world cannot prove anything- it can only heavily suggest.
There are some bodies of evidence to support the idea that God exists. Take the sun, for example- it's a miracle. It's a prodigious nuclear furnace suspended in interstellar space, with a heart that burns at 20 million degrees centigrade. Life on earth would not be possible in its absence.
There is the ontological argument.
There is the idea that nothing creates itself. The universe couldn't just assemble itself, so there must have been a creator- ergo, God. Think of a chair as an example- a carpenter has to create the chair out of wood, nails, and tools. The chair can't self assemble. By this analogy, a creator must have %26quot;put together%26quot; the cosmos. This indicates that God is real.
Love comes from God. Children come from God. Joy comes from God. Peace.
The splendor and complexity of the human body is a testament to God's genius. The beauty of the universe is also an indicator that God exists. Or look at insects- look at how many millions of breeds of insects that there are. This hints that a great, intelligent designer made them...and us, as well.
Some people can remain open minded even if they don't believe. But some people just refuse to be liberal, and could not be convinced, even if they were to be furnished with very strong evidence that God does indeed exist.
As for me, I know he exists- and he is my King. I praise the name of God, and the son, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost!Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
prove that he doesn't exist.Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
Part of faith is not having to prove anything. Are you sure gravity exists??? You cant see it so how do you know its there? Christians and Jews: How would u prove this?
By logic. The law of noncontradiction tells us that there either IS a God or there is not. It can only be one or the other. God exists or God does not exist. There is simply too much evidence weighing in on the side that God does exist. You asked us to prove that God does exist. You have used a term, a quantifier of a known being. If God did not exist, even in the mind, you could not have even conceived of such a being or even asked the question to begin with. Every one has some kind of concept in the mind of a being than which no greater can exist - the most high, perfect, capable being. This they call God. Otherwise there is none for which proof need be made.